I am dedicated to helping women all over the world to achieve their fitness goals. I found that it's very difficult for busy women to fit exercise into their hectic schedules. My method targets women's trouble areas like glutes, legs, abs, and arms with precise exercises and specific equipment that will chisel the muscles to perfection. The best part is that it only takes 30 to 45 minutes. It is the perfect workout: precise, efficient and time-saving!

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

My 3 Days Detox Journey by Plenish Cleanse.

Dear diary,
My liquid Plenish Cleanse has just arrived.. the feelings of excitement and intrigue are overwhelming! Despite the nerves, I find it impossible to hold myself back from tearing open the first bottle. What oh what will this Plenish do for me? I can't wait to find out!
Given my health and wellbeing regime of eating clean, never smoking, never drinking, never consuming processed or sugary foods, and treating my body as my temple, you may think I'm not your typical candidate for a deep cleanse. But these days our poor systems are intoxicated by everyday stresses and pollution. Especially in a city like London. So a true cleanse, as I see it, is always necessary, and I'm excited!
Apart from necessity, I embarked on a juice cleanse as I wanted to experience Plenish first hand. All of my clients speak so highly of the produce and the system, so I was left with no choice. I just had to find out what all the fuss was about, and what made it different from the other juice cleanses out there. I occasionally suffer from digestive issues, so it also seemed the perfect remedy to give my organs a rest, and further alkalize my body. A happy tummy is a happy life!
Daily Journal
Day 1: I wake up after an amazing night of deep sleep. As usual I'm hungry upon waking, and I am more than ready to try my SWEET SEXY GREEN Juice! It taste great! I feel cold, so I warm up with some tea and get ready to start my day. I feel surprisingly sharp, energized, and experience an increase in bowel movement. With the detox in mind I plan to accompany this with a massage to take it further, and skip exercise that day. After my wonderful massage at KX Spa, I drink bottle number 4: CASHEW M*ILK. Amazing. So good that I decide to take myself out for window shopping and a light stroll. Sometimes this combo is the perfect cardio! ;)
Around 6pm I take a bath. I then realize that need to drink two more juices. OMG, this is lots of food! After my soak, and feeling the benefits of day one already, I feel relaxed and calm. As I'm always on the go, these are fairly new sensations for me to have. Loving this new found peace I go forward for juice number five. I accompany this with a lie down and catch up on some reading. 8pm comes and it's juice o'clock again. After my sixth meal of the day I feel a little nauseous and a nasty headache starts to show up. I try to combat it with a movie and chamomile tea. It doesn't work… so a head to bed, switch off the light, and call it a day. What will tomorrow bring?
Day 2: Slept amazing! Wake up good, energized, yet relaxed.... Happy Sunday! I notice that after my second juice, PINEAPPLE2, which is meant to heal digestion, that I always feel cold after it. I wonder what the link is? So, I decide to leave the Plenish Juice out of the fridge for 10 minutes before drinking, so not to shock my digestive system, and in the meantime I reheat myself with hot water and lemon. This is the winning recipe for me. Mystery solved, mission accomplished! Feeling sharp. Time to work on my recipe book! Later, after a hot bath, I followed with a walk, manicure, hot tea and movie with a friend. I brought my Sweet Sexy Green along as my third movie date ;) Continuing to feel great, I jump into bed, ready to start the week ahead.
Day 3: Slept amazing. AGAIN! I feel fantastic. To ease some stiffness though I start the morning with some stretches, grab juice number one, and go to work. Given my energy boost I decide to take part in a super intensive Yoga class at KX Gym with the amazing Stewart Gilchrist, and reward myself afterwards with the Cashew M*lk. This is a great post workout meal!
Feelings of wonder woman are coming over me! Wait. Am I her? I certainly feel like it! I work with clients until 7pm and then meet my friend/assistant/ amazing superwoman partner in crime to work on my upcoming recipe book. What a week of excitement! Next on the agenda is a hot bath and another early night. I can feel I'm starting to miss protein. My muscles are speaking to me as a result. They want more! Protein dreams for me…

Activities I used to boost my detox or make myself feel better:
Throughout the three days, the activities that I used to aid and boost my detox or which simply made me feel even better, were a massage, hot baths, shopping(!), walking, Yoga and Pilates.
Realisations I had during my juice Cleanse:
The impressive realisations I had during my cleanse were that I never experienced feelings of hunger, I felt energized and calm, my digestion was stronger than ever, and feeling of sickness were only experienced on day one, and passed quickly. All in all I'd say incredibly successful. I now see why all my ladies are wedded to Plenish!
If a three day cleanse isn't an option for you, I recommend at least starting to introduce a day where you only drink greens. See how much your organs will thank you for this rest. Liquid food is easier to digest and easier for your cells to absorb maximum nourishment, so perfect if you suffer from digestive issues, stomach acidity, IBS or a weakened immune system.
Juices I can see myself drinking as part of my daily routine:
Mind Body Green! Amazing taste and I like the ginger and lemon as they add an extra kick to it, kicking my system into full detox mode. Bring it on!
If you are Vegan I'd advise you to introduce the Cashew M*ilk as the perfect Post Workout Meal keeping your lean muscles fueled and happy.
Advice for other cleansers:
I believe that detoxing your body is great, and especially through quality juicing, but it's not a quick fix. You must eat clean everyday. Consistency is the key. And eating clean is the key to longevity and to a healthy body, mind and soul. A cleanse is not an excuse for binging before or after. But rather it is an efficient and healthy way to detox your body from unwanted toxin and to reboot your system. Keep it green, keep it lean!
Post Cleanse:

I still feel the benefits of my Plenish Cleanse one week later. Surely I have green blood running through my veins now!

I reintroduce protein back into my system straight after day 3 and kept it clean as always, coming back to my usual healthy eating regime.

I have not lost much muscles mass or weight, but that said, 1kg on a small frame like mine is a lot. Just remember that after your cleanse your stomach will shrink a bit, so do not overload it with food, or you will be more than likely to experience nausea and will reverse some of the benefits of the cleanse. Reintroduce food slowly and chew lots. Please do reintroduce your protein food sources so not to loose muscle mass and/or slow down your metabolism. Eat clean, stay lean!

With Plenish is all about health gain, not weight lost!

Useful Links:
Stewart Gilchrist teaches also at : www.indabayoga.com

About Francesca
